Unit 15: Website Development

The Newist 2 days ago
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Hello my name is Jamie. I am a student at burlington danes academy sixth form. I am currently studying Btec computing level 3 extended diploma. In this blog i am going to be discussing our objectives and successes. In this unit we had to design a website to meet its user requirements. The website that we had to design was for an organisation called the green foundation. The green foundation is an organisation that supports countries in africa by giving them food and supplies.

Our user requirements are on the helios web brief website.One of the requirements were to encourage donating. In this unit we were allowed to work as a team. So first of all we discussed where we wanted to put the donate button. Some of the ideas we discussed are putting the donate button on the footer, header or a big button on the middle of the page. In our final product we decided to put the donate button on the navbar. We came to this conclusion because on our website we have a nav bar on each page therefore the donate button is on every page and it allows the user to donate on any page. Furthermore one of our other user requirements was to add a blog comment and rss feed. When we first heard about this we discussed how we were going to get a blog comment. We discussed if we were going to manually code the blog comment or if we were going to get a code off the internet. Our final decisions were that we are going to get the blog comment off the internet because it saves us time. So once we added the blog comment we decided to test it. But we didn’t document it. This affected us a team in many ways because we couldn't give evidence of testing. So once it got to the time of documenting the project we had to go back and pretend to test the website and take a screenshot. So in conclusion we should of documented the project as we went along. What i could of done better in this section is that i could of managed my time better. Even though we had applications such as trello and creating a gantt chart which helps us manage our time but we didn’t use it effectively. But this only half of the work we have done.

In this unit we have to design a website as well as documenting the principles of web design and what makes a website perform well but the rest of the criterias are linked below. (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6kfYhW-Rt1XQ29fZHN4akh3YnM/view?usp=sharing) In this section of unit 15 we had to compare two website. When i saw this on the criterias I didn’t think much of it so i decided to compare two websites straight away without looking at the specific things i need to talk about. So for 2 week I was writing about things that was not relevant to the specification. This lead me to redo my documentation at the final day of when the work was due in. But i ran into a issue. I Didn’t have enough time to create a new documentation so instead i decided to add on to my old documentation.

So in conclusion the best way to pass this unit is to do the documentation along with designing the website and also you need to read the specification so you know what to write. Finally you need to have good time management.

Link to finished product (https://burlingtondanes.github.io/the-green-foundation/)

elijah Robinson 2 days ago
very good
Anonymous 2 days ago
Yep, agree!